Oh so thats why i cant win against top teams ^^
Yup, I'm one of the weaker in the top 20, the higher tier teams have better tech and 40-60 skill in their roles :p
Nope, all legit. I'm trying to get him to 100 stats. I may post him on the market as proof.

Ps, TsMety, why did you pay so much for my ADC player earlier? What is your top laners stats?
That guy is/was my Top adc...
I played a sandbox vs you, I was winning early game but your top laner carried the hell out of you. Was always alive at the end, also had some serious CS.
Granted this is my smurf account. My main isn't much higher but it still stomps this account.
This is my main, all the players are better than the one I posted but have lower elos somehow. idk maybe because I've had them longer idk. don't count cereal hunter, He does nothing but 10 stream and make me money.
lol i feel like my players are garbage now seeing these top players here xD
@menneke Same. It makes me wonder how I'm hovering around 10th-20th. It's kinda unreal, seeing the types of players on the teams in the top echelon. Heck, I was even 7th for a small period of time. x.x;;

I hope that the player cap is defined sometime soon (or higher "diminished returns" from training at higher stats). I feel as though I'll never hit that high on play skill.

On another note, my highest elo player is my Mid laner "Teiho", who's sitting around 2028 right now; his stats are 25.9/27 right now. He's grown a lot over the past week. o.o
On player stats, on the test server Henri confirmed that the players stats are technically unlimited, but diminishing returns and stat decay are designed to keep players stats in check. There is likely to be a theoretical stat limit however I believe this could be quite high.

Just found out the maximum starting bid for a player is $100'000, I will not be putting my best player on the market because that starting bid guarantees he will be sold.
So today an automatic Team ranked game my smurf played my Main, and the smurf won. So I guess the smurf has passed my main now. Reason being I didnt have to waste time figuring out what to do on my smurf. Also ^^^ thats a dank picture
My smurf is beating my main, but each account has different goals in the game so it's not really a fair comparison.