Top 10 Strongest Team in this game

Season 2 is over! The list is now final!

TIED 1. Newbie_Rush https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41003
TIED 1. Lets Do it too https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/42391
TIED 1. FirefoxFive https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41920
4. Xenoon https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41034
5. Jinx Fnatics https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41655
6. Enjoy the Game https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/40983
7. TeamSaltyMid https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41477
8. Gixteam https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/42480
9. eSportsUnited https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41523
10. Prophecy of Five https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41822
Sounds good and good luck!
@Netstand Thank you very much :)

Btw many people should be able to beat the 10th place team in Division 1.
I'm going to stay out of this one because I know that my team is definitely NOT in the top 10 strongest. xD
Maybe doing a best of 3 in a row would be better, because you can just keep challenging until you get a win and then post, this way you need to be "regular"
Just won against Mops in Ranked.

Guelph Jesters: https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1045299
#MDDL: https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1045300
Hytherings: https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1045301
Mops (Sandbox): https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1045303

Still sucks to be 3rd division. I beat everyone by far there. A little unlucky cause i was ranked first by the filling there so rly close to div 2.
The list will be updated at 04:00 in-game-time.
All the changes will be made in order of your posts.

And guys, you only need to post the highest ranked team you can beat :)
Well I am third on the ladder... So I beat everyone but the top two.
gixteam- https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/42480
xenoon- https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41034
teamsaltymid- https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41477
mops for life - https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1049272
incentive - https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1049273
hytherings - https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41026
MDDL - https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1049275
Jesters - https://www.lolmanager.gg/teams/show/41275

Ranked ladder shows the real top teams.
Yep, would probably be better off going from Ranked ELO for starting off the list, most top players would be at the top with maybe a few hidden that don't have team ranked scheduled. Hytherlings https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1049297 is the highest team I can beat out of that list.
i'm okay with 4th
i'm okay with 4th
Hey where is your competitive spirit? xD
i kinda feel sad for mops. He seems afk.

He would have probably won this league otherwise.

That being said , if somebody could make c9 lose another game , that would be great
Cloud 9 has been dethroned!!!!!!!

@LolozaurusX congratz on your League victory over c9.
Your consecutive victories over c9 in league and teamranked pushed your team over c9, even tho you did not do a sandbox.
thx , but i'm pretty much going even at best vs jaegy.

Also , while i didn't change strats in a while , i kinda lost quite badly to others as well.

pretty sure c9 can't lose the league either way right now anyway , so he probably stoped giving that much atention to the game
Apparently you lost twice to a team named Please enjoy game... hmm..
well , that was short lived i guess

edit : after a lot of strategy changes , i can somewhat beat him consistently (even tho his toplaner is really damn good. He's downright solo carrying)

On the bad part , i can't win vs jaegy with the curent strategy , which is also bad...so take it as you may.... But i think he may be able to beat jaegy as well with some strategy , since i always felt his toplaner is worse then mine
For a moment C9 probably drops out of the top 10.
For a moment.
He is inactive. Sneaky is a free agent.

Edit: List updated. I checked most of the teams in the top 10 and their game histories.
I figured TsMety's team should be up there in the top 10.
pretty sure c9 had all his players in my last game vs it last night. I guess he went inactive as well. Thats a shame. On a side note , i might win the league if someone beats his substitutes.

Pretty crappy way to win the league tho..
welp MDD has also beaten c9 making me tie with him,

With 2 games left in the league , i should be able to win it. Pretty shitty way to win tho , with both c9 and mops going afk
Congratz. Rank 4 for now.
List updated.
I personally think Jinx and Xenoon deserve higher ranks, but they need to submit the links
Edited. Congratz you two.
(- Newbie_Rush and Enjoy the Game are clearly the top two. )
Think again :) I had energy issues the last two days, hence why I was losing matches. Fixed it.
Me vs enjoy the game

3 to show its not evenly matched and that we don't just trade wins.
Bonus me vs firefox just to settle it.

I propose a new rule. You have to beat them 3 times in a row. No losses inbetween.
My player suffer from a heavy burn-out these days, since i failed.
You should challenge me now ;)
Ahahaha TsMety, sorry but this guy really got your numbers down xD

Better train up your players to take back da second rank :)
I'm still wondering why you were put into division 3 LOL
Clearly you have one of the strongest teams in the game.
When we were being moved divisions I wasn't having this team play team ranked, I was using all my energy on training. I won my first league undefeated I believe but I was only 1400ish elo when moved to #3. I just started having this team play ranked a week or so ago.

Also my strats were trash for a long long time. It took awhile but I finally figured it out.... mostly. lol
well , i have some sandboxes left. should i try a couple games ?

EDIT :looks like i'm beaten guys. We have a new champ. Rejoice !
Thats interesting. I think if you make a few number adjustments you can beat me. Literally moving 10 points from one area to another is the difference from me losing to you and beating you. Its close.

And to clarify the only game that firefox has taken off me was when something went weird and I had blademaster as my adc. :P That has been fixed.
probably , but i'm out of games as well. ALso this is my general use strategy for ranks/league and it works well on that. As long as you're not in the same division with me , i'm okay with whatever results in sandbox. My goal was always to win the league. It's shitty that ill get to win it like this , with c9 and mops afk , but whatever... It's not my fault.

Might improve my p/b phase a bit tho...
Well yeah I use a general strat as well. I'll adjust it, because I believe there is a perfect strat as far as the numbers go so I've been slowly adjusting them to figure it out. Then if I win I go back to the last person I beat and make sure I can still beat them.

I just want to be able to have more options during P/B. I want an IF X NOT banned pick X, If X is banned pick X. If X is banned then ban x.... ect ect.
i beat enjoy the game in a best of 3 aswell, put me up
@Gambit01 ahHA! There you are.
I'm pretty sure you are capable of beating higher ranked, but for now I put you in at 9th.

@menneke93 righty right.
What happened to Enjoy the Game??? They are losing so much all of a sudden LOL

EDIT: list edited.
Congratz to new champion! Congratz to peeps that benefited from today's daily update or peeps that managed to find the winning formula!!
Full disclosure Gambit01 is my other account. That's why I've been debating on entering him in on this top 10 list. I have 3 accounts total that I currently play on. I enjoy this game but it only takes a few minutes each day to play. I wanted to play more and plus I wanted to start an account after the nerf to see how it was for new people. "Final Five" is my third. The fact that I still have all 3 should be enough for people to know I wasn't one of the shady market abusing players. :)

If you want to keep both my accounts in thats cool, if not I understand.
Nah they are two separate teams. Think of them like Samsung White and Samsung Blue. Same owner, different teams.

But hey, you mind sharing some of your strats? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
After the season yeah. The strats that work seem to be very weird in this version. I can say that between Prophecy of Five and Lets do it too is about a 15-20 point stat different per player.
Say, based on your experience, is utility a good stat?
I finally fell out of the top 100 ranks with my team of players that I never trained. Tried to stay up as long as I could without ever getting a coach ;)
I guess the season is over, and reset is coming soon.
Soon this list will be finished :)
Really sad as im currently on the rise and hoped to make at least Top 5 by Elo and/or this ladder.
too lazy to post all the games , but after tweaking my strat a bit , i can consistently beat him (let's do it too) again. Check my game history since i'm lazy to post all the games

Honestly tho , assuming he changes his strategy to adapt , i'd say he can beat me back as well. Right now , i'm certain we can trade wins depending on who is on to adapt...
how the hell do you delete a post ? Cause aparenly i'm blind as a bat , and see no delete option
since the game is being reset i am going to sell my players :D
everything is going to be reset, so why not
well , statistics...if u care for that thing....
Newbie, you got me for now. I figured after you switched strats it would be good. If I changed my P/B I'm pretty sure I'd beat you, then you'd change, ect ect. I was trying to more play with numbers and I learned very very interesting things when you switch them around. I was able from numbers to move our games between me getting stomped to having hour long matches being really close. That's without switching picks at all.

So I'll throw out the general purpose stuff now, and other top teams I'd love to hear what you run, pretty sure I'm going to drop far down the list when people switch over to these strats because my players stats are not the best. but anyways.

Basics, set everyone to "go very deep" Basically a must for some reason this just works far better than anything else. Set everyone to Harass or Kill, but have them all be the same. All kill seems to be working better atm. Jungler is heavy gank. As far as numbers go, I've found that utility is useless and the game hates when you have numbers all over the place so ADC is 100 in AD or 90/10 tank. Maybe 90/10 ad/magic if you run valk. Top is tricky. I've found 40 tank 10 magic 50 ad to be pretty strong. Like wise, 80 or 90 in ad seems to work well. Mid is 100 in magic. Support is iffy, I run damage supports so normally its 30 tank 60 magic 10 utility or 40 tank 60 magic or 80 magic 20 utility. Jungler is always ap so 40 tank/60 magic works well but 20/80 or even 100 magic works super well too. Needs more testing.
That is kinda the basics.
Thanks dude, your the 1st person to actually explain the stat play style and stat allocation. My stat allocation was almost identical, however my play style was vastly different. I have changed it however I do not have any more sandbox games to test it. Lets see tomorrow if the reset doesn't take effect.
I'm on holidays for 2 weeks so I'm looking but not trying very hard, can't really test different strats either as I have 4 players around 50% energy.

I'm just going to wait for the reset for now, I'm happy with the 3rd place in league 1 and a top 10 (5 ?) in team strengths. As far as my strategy goes, I think it's pretty good as I'm able to beat teams with better stats.
All my players are +/- 4 stats from 55 in both main stat and technical (tell your stats too se we can see if better strategy can compensate lower stats).


My stats repartition is nearly the same as you HeyLetsParty, apart from the fact I did it more grossly (only 0 / 25 / 50 / 75 / 100). I've found Utility to be useless.


- Mid / Adc / Supp --> mix of Kill and Harass (didn't make a large difference even when I tracked multiple games stats with Excel)
- Jungler -> Gank and Farm oriented (didn't really test accurately this one but all attitudes seemed to be kinda the same to me)
- Toplaner --> Hug Turret. I tried Hug Turret on multiple positions and top was the only one really effective as it helped my toplaner to go from 0/4/0 to 2/3/0 in lane pretty consistently. I only did this because my toplaner was severely outclassed, I strongly think that if your player is better, kill / harass will give you more effective results.

Teamfight Positionning

Everyone on Go very deep is nice but I think you can optimise it. I've gone back to it and I immediately saw much worse results. I'm going to keep it secret but I'll say that 2 of my players have another positionning (both the same).

Edit : Also, I am first by a large margin on the test server but I guess it's just because I took it more seriously than others.
well the harass/kill/go verry deep was basic for any top team.

Jungler is 50-50. I've had good results with gank/heavily gank and i've also had results with farm and gnak orientated. The second 1 giving me a crapload more cs. I generally use gank heavy as well.

As for stat alocation.....well that's a secret for now

Edit : Xethan i've tried go very deep with the 2 carries staying in the back , but i've found out that making the carries go very deep and giving them a bit of tankiness has better results in the end. At least for me
It's secret for a reason ;)
I've tried the mix of harass/kill but for most of the time I have everyone on Harass. I have no proof but I feel almost as if it works like a check. Like harass works better with X stat spread and Kill works better with X.

Well I've won my league and the reset should happen soon. I want more people to know the strats so hopefully the devs can see the flaws a little more. I should also mention this is end game strats which is very different then early and mid game. When you first get players you will have ones that are stronger than other so you want to play to their strengths. My support originally was 20 points ahead of everyone. I even had my support playing ice bird or archangel ect ect. Now that everyone is similar stats its less important and more overall strat is what you want.

Edit- This is Hey lets Party.
Here I figured this might make it easier. This is what I ran exactly to number 1. I've since changed things but I ran this set up for a very long time.
Has P/B as well listed.

I just wish there was a way to get more sandbox tries.
Well I seriously didn't know about setting all to go very deep, I think this might make a huge difference as I definitely seem to be on the top end of the player stats, there is another thread where I give away my player stats if you want to see. Not keeping it a secret because there is a reset soon.

You know it's funny that I sold TsMetsy an ADC that I used spare training session on when resting my main player, he was about 28 / 25 and I sold him for $140k, cost me about $30k including staff wages to train him up. Now he is his starter adc.
I figure since the reset it about to happen I'll actually list my player stats. I've been debating if I want to or not.
Top - 75/50
Jun- 71/46
Mid- 83/64
ADC- 75/53
Sup- 73/46
Everyone is pretty even. I would really be interested in seeing the other top teams. For all I know my strats are trash and I'm winning on stats or my strats only work because of these stats ect ect.
And because Facilities matter:
Gear- 10
House- 3
Sleeping- 5
Utilities- 20
I dont believe 100 dmg on your adc or mid is optimal.
Also going very Deep everywhere didnt work perfectly for me.
So for the strategy point i didnt invest too much but i guess the shared ones are just slightly better then mine which suprised me. The results didnt get too much better.
As for the Go very deep discussion, the better your player stats are the more aggressive you should go as it works best if you dominate your enemy. Thats why most top teams go very aggressive.
I cant beat you by stats but i guess my facilities are better.
Gear- 12
House- 5
Sleeping- 8
Utilities- 10

My players go by the following:
Top - 65.4/39.8
Jun- 60.4/49.9
Mid- 56.4/44.9
ADC- 70.7/46.3
Sup- 68.7/38.9

Player Stats

Top - 55 / 53
Jun - 59 / 53
Mid - 61 / 57
ADC - 58 / 53
Sup - 57 / 52


Gear - 18
House - 5
Sleeping - 7
Utilities - 15
i have better stats all around then everything posted here :) (not by that much tho) Also seeing that the league was reset , but not the teams/players , i'll keep mine a secret for now
I think I am roughly even with LETS DO IT TOO and NEWBIE_RUSH after my change of stratergy. I had 4 games with Lets do it too, 2w 2L. 3 games with Newbie 1 w 2L. I don't have any more sandbox games left but I will be trying to beat them when I do.
It's 10-9 for me vs jinx fnatics atm, seems pretty close :DD
Warning for everyone but especially the top tiers who seem to look a lot more often here.
Apparently the Facilities got changed with extreme higher maintanance costs for Gear and Utilities.
With my current Levels (12/10) it costs me around 80k so you should think about degrading these.
Holy cow, I just downgraded all my facilities since I noticed that. Something must have been bugged however since now I have $12.5 million.
@Prec Yeah seems really close. Would have been an incredible interesting season who joins the top 10 in League 1 between us: :P
Well its what I thought, my player stats are only ok and I was winning through strats mostly. I expect to be beat more now that I posted the guides. I hope that helps make the game more competitive and maybe we even get a upgrade to the strats program. The full reset is coming tomorrow it looks like. So if you are going to release stats and help develop the game then now is the best time. Tomorrow everything will be gone. :)
seriously mate , ED might be the only 1 who didn't knew that. Literally everyone among the top teams used that strat.

And your stats are not THAT bad.
Not that bad but below. I was more referring to the stat spread than the positioning. If I get to use the sandbox today I actually have a new stat spread theory I want to try. Looks like I didn't get anyone from this list in my league.
Well tbh i have to admit i had some other strategic settings as well but some of the basic things or directions were (without trying) the same.
Yup I figured we'd all be similar but the first time I beat newbie, the difference was literally taking 10 points from my Top laner's Tank and moving it to AD. Thats it, then I won every match. The little things matter.
"every game" till i changed my stat distribution and won twice as much :p

Actually , i think this is a healthy state for the game : where stats alone can't dictate who wins and who losses. ANd playing a strategy vs a top team , shouldn't mean that said strategy will work vs the rest of the top teams...
Sick shit guess i need to invest way more time in the strategy thingy ;)
Guess the first days will be decided by luck. Whoever is the luckiest to fine tune the perfect strategy will get a lucky start like jaegy. The Battle for coaches tho will be REAL.
I knew about the stat's spread, utility being pretty useless but if I had put very deep at the start I would probably be much higher, I thought all the other teams had higher stats to match because I knew mine were high.

Anyway the new server will be quite different, even with the same game engine. If this game gets shared on Reddit there will be a bunch more new players who won't know what to do.

Edit: Jaegy I believe was a strategic mastermind in this game, he was way ahead for a long time, hes not been online for a week however, hope hes just on holiday.
Well yeah, you changed strats and won everything after, I even said as much but literally initially a 10 points was the difference between losing every game and winning every game . I'd just like to see a change to positioning and hug/farm/harass/kill and a way more in depth P/B where you can make causes. If X and X gets banned I'd like to be able to have a clause in place as to what to pick. Like if some bans X then I ban X if not then I ban something different ect ect
Yeah i saw you talking about that somewhere else I guess and i liked that idea tho it will take some time to find out how to fully implement this.
For the strategy part overall id hope the multiple strategy thing comes up tomorrow so you can change your strategy without having only one page in usage all the time.
jaegy had crap strats actually , but his players were much better then anyone else since he axed on economy early and then abused coaches. earlier. Same for mops actually.

Jaegy changed his strats after i decided to sandbox him for a bit and saw that i was winning 60-70% of the time. After he change his strats again , i had no chance.
Alrighty. Since reset happens tomorrow, I would like to thank everyone for helping me making this top 10, as I will close the top 10 now.

Congratulations to Newbie_Rush for taking the title of the strongest team in Season 2. (It was REALLY close between Newbie, Lets Do, and Firefox. Firefox having to surge up and almost beating both top 2s)

Good luck to everyone in the next season. Hope to see everyone back on top! ^^

BTW, does anyone want to see me make another top 10 for the next season?
I think he was good very good strategically, he was ahead early when everyone else roughly equal level, he did however invest in coaches earlier than anyone else and definitely had a good income going. Even on the test server he was very strong. Problem being ahead is you can't adapt your strategy because you can't find someone that your losing to so you can learn how to beat them.
might be interesting , but as we proved earlier , i can beat firefox and lets do it , firefox can beat me and lets do it , and let's do it can be me and firefox as well depending on who is on and cares enough to adapt his strategy. It's like a rock/paper/scissors game at this point , more then an acurate top
Well i put you on top because you got the last win over them prior to the closing of the rank.
well , it's not like i mind. I just pointed out that this was a very close top.
Thx for the good job tho and im happy to be in the Top 10!

As it goes for Jaegy i think he was one of the few realising strategy wasnt so important early on. He focussed on abusing the eco as much as possible (mops as well) and started by getting youth players and instantly sold them before hopping on the training train. When players started to get up to him the strategy was the best option to keep them away and he did that as well. Overall somehwat a strategy mastermind tbh :D All hail jaegy xD
Very close but Newbie was ahead of me, I ran out of sandbox games to test strategy to convincingly beat him. I think Lets do it and myself were dead even. It was 50/50 between us in all the games I played.

There is 1 more session available, lets see if we can update it before the server resets. I think Henri will also announce the official elo including sandbox games as well so everyone feel free to challenge me :P

Agreed with you on that one Jhin, but he did have a good opening strat, it was boosted by good players from a good economy.
Yeah it somewhat snowballed. But the 2 things he started with went perfectly for him ;)
Anyways apparently he will be out of competition for at least some time so lets battle it out.
Wanted to give a last shot at the top 10 so I went and fixed up my strategy, seems to have worked. Results: Jinx Fnatics 2-1 TeamSaltyMid 2-0 eSportsUnited 3-0 Enjoy The Game 0-2 (can't beat anyone in the top 4) Xenoon - 0-2 Gixteam - 0-2 (seem to be my heels)

Out of sandbox games now, but. Hey, I'm able to beat Prec again >:D Here's the Jinx Fnatics Games: https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1070025 https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1070026 https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/1070027
So my theory worked. I found some new strats: I win all my games now.


I dont think you can beat me anymore FireFox either.
This were done after yours.
Not that any of this matters but I did just learn a ton.
so many last dashes after the ranking has ended

Gosh what do i do T.T
Holy Shit teams really wanted to go for the top spots. But I guess for a fair view you had to close the rankings at some point as some teams just dont had the time to fix anything anymore and would drop out after the Ranking closed.
I guess the sandboxes from yesterday are useless cuz many teams just do weird stuff intentionally.

also my players lost like 40 energy overnight without gaining any stats...weird :(
seriously...i was wondering why i kept losing. I just realized my top and adc are under 60% energy and the rest are at 70%.

How the hell did i lost so much ? I had exactly the same training regiment for more then a week without droping under 85
thought the ranking was fixed already, all my team has fucked energy levels now xD no wonder why i lose everything
Well guess I can bring a little light into it. Apperently the amount of Energy Training costs you got bigger. As some contracts with coaches ran out I saw some of my players had 10/20 instead of their regular 30 sessions. The 2 with 30 are at 74/76 energy while the 20s are at 94 (not quiet sure) and the 10 is at 100 energy.
what do you think is the factor now?
maybe 2 instead of 0.5?
Hmm nah i dont think its 2 should be 1. All my players were fully loaded with energy if i remeber correct so 4 times the energy cost for training would mean a rise from 15 to 60 on the 30s. That would have been way too much considering they have >70% Energy left.
I adjusted my training to match the test server.

One last dash, saved an image since games before today have been deleted.

I feel who ever attacks is the winner. Happy with tied 1st.
this topic was meant for the previous season. No doubt that we will get 1 for this season as well , but most likely after a couple weeks of play at least. Right now wins over other players mean very little since we're all at the start.
Henri's official top 25, including hidden Elo.
hidden ello takes sandbox games into account if i remember correctly. If someone wanted to boost his hidden elo , they could have easily played c9 over and over again
Haha sorry everyone. Season 2 is over.
Yep, all done. Good luck next season tho.

Note, those links are not to the original teams anymore, they are just a team ID based on the order of who signed up.

also Krupa, I beat you https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/11005