Perma-Push Botlane?

So my team is undefeated over their last ten games (screenshot: , and I went through and watched some of the game simulations to see if I could work out why... it seems like every game my botlane gets ahead, then just pushes the lane until they win the game 2v5. This is regardless of champion picks or the performance of the rest of my team - they just win the lane, then nobody from the enemy team makes an attempt to stop them.

https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/13365 (Purple Side)
Note how from about 5:15 the enemy bot keeps running into them and dying, then at around 9:45 they just run past and stay in the lane without stopping the push at all, leaving my bot to just push and win the game.

https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/52100 (Blue Side)
Exactly the same thing, botlane gets fed then the enemy lane just stays away from them from around 9:10 until I win the game from the one lane.

https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/13369 (Blue Side)
A similar thing happens here: my botlane just kills the other team's over and over from the moment they first meet at 3:40, then just push with nobody stopping them (especially note the enemy mid running straight past them while they take nexus turrets at 14:20).

Is anyone else seeing this sort of thing happen? The fact they win lane every game seems reasonable since they both have fairly high stats for their roles, but shouldn't the enemy team be doing something as a team to stop them? I'm not exactly complaining, winning every single game is nice, but this doesn't seem like a thing that should be happening.
Well I just beat you in sandbox, and my botlane sucks, so it can't be that strong anymore
Yeah I don't know if it was being caused in some little thing in the simulator that got fixed or something because it's not happening as consistently as before.